ANKARA, Jan 8 — Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong on Friday received the first dose of the coronavirus vaccine as the country started a nationwide vaccination campaign.

During the nationwide drive, the country’s health authorities will initially vaccinate workers of public healthcare institutions, reported Anadolu Agency.

“Was at Singapore General Hospital this morning to take a look at the start of COVID-19 vaccinations for healthcare workers from public healthcare institutions today. I also got my first dose of the jab,” Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong wrote in a Facebook post. 

Describing the moments, Lee said: “It was quite painless, with the tiny needle and the steady hands of Nurse Fatimah Mohd Shah.”

After getting the first dose of COVID-19, the prime minister was observed for 30 minutes in the hospital.

“I am happy to report that I feel fine and have no side effects,” he said.

He added that he is confident that the vaccine is safe and effective and will have ample vaccines for everyone.

“So I hope Singaporeans and long-term residents will get vaccinated when your turn comes, and help keep everyone safer,” Lee added.

Last month, Singapore became the first Asian country to receive the first batch of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.

Earlier in December, the country had approved the vaccine which Lee announced would be administered free of charge and on a voluntary basis to all citizens and long-term residents.

Singapore reported 33 new novel coronavirus cases, including 31 imported ones, over the past 24 hours, bringing the total caseload to 58,813. The death toll in the country stands at 29, according to the Health Ministry.


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