TAMPIN, Aug 19 — The almost 90-year-old Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Tamil (SJKT) Ladang Regent in Gemencheh here will be relocated to a new site, about a kilometre away.

Deputy Education Minister  Datuk Dr Mah Hang Soon said the relocation of the school also involved construction of a three story building, which would house 12 classrooms, a  hall, the staff room and canteen

He said the project, costing RM8.5 million, is expected to be ready soon.

“This school project started on  Aug 14, 2014 and was supposed to be ready on  Aug 14, 2016, but was given Extension Of Time (EOT) four times due to several reasons, including in meeting the condition set by the Tampin District Council for building of an entrance and exit roads.

“Another is the condition set by SAINS (Syarikat Air Negeri Sembilan) involving pipe work, and also due to the implementation of the  Movement Control Order because of the COVID-19 pandemic,” he told reporters at the new SJKT Ladang Regent building here today.


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