PUTRAJAYA, Sept 12 — The Special Task Force on Jihad Against Inflation will review the aspects of the food supply chain approach and distribution, and find alternative sources of imported food to reduce price and cost hikes in a bid to curb inflation in the country.

Its chairman, Tan Sri Annuar Musa said it was among the recommendations given by research company, IPSOS Sdn Bhd, to the task force for consideration today.

He said IPSOS also presented its findings on inflation and its effects on the world including Malaysia and made several recommendations in the areas of food security and spending patterns that can contribute directly to the national economic recovery.

“Among the recommendations are to review the aspects of the food supply chain approach and distribution, to have a more efficient and integrated one-stop centre to reduce the possibility of price hikes, and to look for alternative sources for imported food

“For example, (the possibility to import) chicken from other countries to reduce costs,” he told a press conference after charging the task force’s meeting today.

Annuar said the imported food products, such as meat, vegetables and fish, have increased by 62 per cent, and continued dependence on imports using the United States dollars will make Malaysia vulnerable.

“Therefore, the move that can be taken is to increase food production in the country and find alternative sources for importing food,” he said.


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