KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 13 — The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC)  issued 112 compounds totalling RM4.696 million to licence and non-licence holders over various offences under the Communications and Multimedia Commission Act 1998 and subsidiary laws under the Act for 2022.

In a statement, the MCMC said out of the total, 106 compounds were issued to MCMC licensees with a total compound of RM4.616 million.

A total of 53 compounds were issued to licence holders for failure to comply with numbering and electronic addressing, offences under the Communications and Multimedia (Universal Provision of Services) Regulations 2002 (27 compounds) and failure to comply with mandatory standards (17 compounds).

The other failures include neglecting to adhere to licensing conditions (five compounds) failure to comply with Guidelines on Registration of End-Users of Prepaid Public Cellular Services (two compounds) and offering services without a licence (two compounds).

The MCMC also said a total of six compounds were issued to unlicenced holders with compounds totalling RM80,000. 

Five compounds were for offences under Regulation 16 (1)(b) Communication and Multimedia Regulations (Technical Standards) 2000 using uncertified communication equipment and a compound for offences under Section 235 of the CMA 1998 i.e. causing damage to network facilities.


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