PUTRAJAYA, March 10 — Quality affordable housing and responsive and effective firefighting services to achieve the ‘Malaysia Berdaya Huni’ (Malaysia A Livable Nation) agenda is the main focus of the Local Government Development Ministry (KPKT) this year. 

The ministry said the focus will be on the construction of people’s housing projects (PPR) that involve the provision of land for free or at a nominal premium rate by state governments.

As for the construction of fire and rescue stations, the state governments will need to provide suitable sites for that purpose to be handed over to the Federal government, said KPKT in a statement today.

“KPKT will ensure that commercial aspects are also taken into account so that housing projects fulfil conducive and livable characteristics by prioritising the five elements, namely accessibility, liveability, connectivity, sustainability and good community,” KPKT said. 

On the implementation of new projects, KPKT said consideration is given to the implementation of studies on return of investment, cost-benefit analysis, credibility reliability index and feasibility study. 

“The findings of these studies will provide a clear and tangible focus and avoid expenditure leakages to achieve the highest standards for the welfare of the people,” said KPKT.


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