KANGAR, June 2 (Bernama) — Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad (BIMB) has presented business zakat (tithe) payments totalling RM185,000 to the Perlis Islamic Religious and Malay Customs Council (MAIPs).

MAIPs, in a statement today, said BIMB Group Chief Financial Inclusions Officer Mohd Nazri Chik presented the mock cheque to the Regent of Perlis Tuanku Syed Faizuddin Putra Jamalullail in a ceremony held at Masjid Al-Falah Behor, Arau last night.

MAIPs chief executive officer Mohd Nazim Mohd Noor was also in attendance.

In his speech, Tuanku Syed Faizuddin, who is also MAIPs president, hoped that more corporate bodies would join hands with MAIPs to help the less fortunate in the state.

At the ceremony, Tuanku Syed Faizuddin handed over MAIPs zakat contributions worth RM700 each to 140 asnaf from the Behor Mempelam and Tambun Tulang area.


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