PUTRAJAYA, June 8 — The bilateral ties between Malaysia and Indonesia is now at a stage that both countries can be proud of, according to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

He said this was a result of the close and family-like relationship between him and Indonesian President Joko Widodo, as well as among government officials, which had seen several long-standing issues successfully resolved, including the maritime border disputes between the two countries in the Sulawesi Sea.

“The enhanced understanding and cooperation forged within a short time with Indonesia is extraordinary and will certainly bring about many positive impacts and benefits for the people and the country.

“The close relationship had made it easier for us in many areas…the Presiden and I are very proud that because of it (close relationship), we were able to solve that one issue which we have been negotiating for years,” he said at a joint press conference after holding a four-eye meeting with Joko Widodo at the Seri Perdana Complex here today.

Anwar said six bilateral instruments related to economy, trade, borders and maritime that were signed today also proved that matters that were difficult to resolve before can be made easy through the family-like relationship between the two countries.

The six instruments are the Agreement on Border Crossing (BCA), Agreement on Border Trade (BTA), Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in Investment Promotion, Memorandum of Cooperation (MoC) on Mutual Recognition of Halal Certification for Domestic Products, Treaty Relating to the Delimitation of the Territorial Seas of the Two Countries in the Southernmost Part of the Straits of Melaka (SOM Treaty), and Treaty Relating to the Delimitation of the Territorial Seas of the Two Countries in the Sulawesi Sea (Sulawesi Sea Treaty).

Apart from that, Anwar also gave assurance of continuous cooperation in dealing with cross-border haze issue, as well as in the fields of culture, education, dakwah activities and understanding of Islam.

Meanwhile, Joko Widodo described his official visit as a success and welcomed the solution reached by the two countries regarding the maritime border disputes in the Sulawesi Sea after 18 years of negotiations.

The Indonesian President said the negotiations on land and maritime border issues, as well as related to Indonesian migrant workers in Malaysia, can also be resolved through family-like relationships and cooperation of the Prime Minister and related ministers.

“Alhamdulillah, we are able to resolve the issue which had been negotiated over the past 18 years, today. I do hope that other issues can also be resolved immediately while Malaysian Prime Minister is still Anwar and Indonesian President is still Jokowi,” he added.


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