SEMENYIH, Aug 1 — The Unity Government has never sidelined any race in the country but rather all initiatives and policies introduced are inclusive, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Disapproving claims by some parties that the Unity Government was bias, Anwar said assistance and initiatives from the Unity Government will be enjoyed by every level of the Rakyat, without any preference for race or religion.

The Prime Minister said the government does not have much money, but remains committed to serving the people truly without any vested interest so that whatever money the government has, can be used to assist the people.  

“The money that the government has, is not much…but because we do not swindle or use it for personal interest…there is still a blessing from the almighty (Allah SWT) to use the money to assist the Rakyat.

“I stressed that, either you like it or not, you support or not (Unity Government) we never change this position to support every single citizen in this country,” he said when speaking at the Unity Tour in conjunction with the Selangor election in Semenyih, Kajang tonight.

The Prime Minister said among initiatives introduced for all races in the country is the government’s effort to eradicate poverty, especially hardcore poor.

However, while the Unity Government are fully committed to assist the Rakyat in eradicating hardcore poor, there are Members of Parliament from PAS who chide such efforts.

“MPs from PAS claim that since we have the government, we can solve the issue of poverty…they forget that even the administration of Khalifah Umar Abdul Aziz took two years and three months to solve the problems of poverty.

“I am very firm with the issue because I have directed that this year all government machinery, ministers and agencies must work hard to put a full-stop to the issue of hardcore poor in the country,” he said.

Anwar also gave the assurance that the Unity Government will ensure that assistance to the people will always be inclusive and will not sideline any race in the country.


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