SIBU, Sept 19 — Sarawak Deputy Minister of Education, Innovation and Talent Development Datuk Dr Annuar Rapaee who stabilised a female passenger who was short of breath due to asthma while on a flight from Kuching to Kuala Lumpur on Sept 6, received an appreciation message from Malaysia Aviation Group (MAG) chairman Tan Sri Wan Zulkiflee Wan Ariffin.

Wan Zulkiflee who read with admiration news reports on Dr Annuar’s prompt action said it was an exemplary service by the Nangka State Assemblyman in providing the medical assistance onboard Malaysia Airlines flight MH2521.

“On behalf of Malaysia Aviation Group and the entire Malaysian Airlines family, I would like to express our sincerest appreciation for Datuk’s support to our cabin crew and the passenger during this emergency situation.

“Our crew spoke highly of Datuk’s professionalism and were greatly pleased to have Datuk onboard,” he said in the letter signed on Sept 7.

Wan Zulkiflee said the cardiologist’s kind gesture in providing medical assistance promptly resolved the situation, ensuring a smooth flight for everyone onboard.

The letter was posted on Dr Annuar’s Facebook page today.

During the incident, the flight attendant made an announcement asking the doctor or medical staff who were on Malaysia Airlines (MAS) flight MH2521 to come forward because they needed urgent medical assistance.

He had treated the patient with an inhaler of another passenger who had brought it.

After several inhalations, the patient was still short of breath but fortunately the emergency kit of the MAS plane was complete with a nebuliser.

After using the nebuliser, the patient no longer had shortness of breath and felt relieved.

Dr Annuar made four copies of the medical report after that and was thankful that the female passenger arrived safely at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport.


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