IPOH, Jan 12 – The dynamic energy of the youth needs to be harnessed to develop society and the country, including getting them involved in religious institutions, said the Sultan of Perak Sultan Nazrin Shah.

He said it would be a significant loss to the country if this dynamic energy is not harnessed productively to generate a more constructive and dynamic force.

“Youth is the primary asset of the world. The energy generated by the youth is highly dynamic and needs to be channelled productively to become a constructive force for the development of society and the nation,” he said.

Sultan Nazrin said this at the presentation ceremony of the instruments of appointment to Perak Islamic Religious and Malay Customs  Council (MAIPk)  office bearers for the 2024-2025 term, as well as Perak Syariah Court judges today.

Towards this end, Sultan Nazri said starting from the 2021-2023 tenure of MAIPk members, he had consented to the appointment of two youth members as members of the council and also endorsed the appointment of youth representatives in the State and District Baitul Mal Committees.

“Praise be to Allah, the entrusted youth representatives have demonstrated dynamic participation by voicing fresh ideas beyond conventional norms.

“The mosques are now enriched with recreational activities, sports, martial arts, as well as educational and economic programmes.  It is essential to enhance mosques with activities that can captivate the interest of the youth,” he added.

Likewise, the appointment of the State Director of Youth and Sports and President of the State Youth Council as MAIPk members, he said, would bring forth various innovative initiatives.

“These initiatives aim to captivate the interest and increase the participation of more youth in religious programs, as well as attract a larger number of young individuals to contribute to mosque activities.

“Creative programmes designed to engage youth, particularly those in rural areas and those within FELDA and FELCRA regions, will play a preventive role, safeguarding them from getting involved in unhealthy activities,” he said.

Sultan Nazrin also said he welcomed a suggestion by a youth representative during the proceedings of the Perak State Mosque Consultative Council on Nov 25 last year for mosques to organise e-sports competitions or electronic sports among the youth in their respective congregations.

The Ruler said e-sports or electronic sports involve virtual sports competitions through video games and are now recognised as part of international sporting events.

In Malaysia, e-sports were pioneered by great athletes such as Dr. Yew Weng Keng, 29, who Malaysia’s first gold medal in the ‘hearthstone’ game at the SEA Games in Manila 2019, he said.

Dr Yew holds a PhD in electronic engineering and serves as an assistant professor at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburg, Scotland.

“The bronze medal winner of the women’s ‘mobile legends’ event at the Phnom Penh 2023 SEA Games, Sharifah Alia Husna Syed Fakrurozi, was a hafizah of 30 verses of the Qur’an when she was 14 years old, a  Diploma in Business Studies student at MARA Beranang Professional College who obtained a CGPA of 4.0 for five consecutive semesters,” he said.

Sultan Nazrin said parents and society should view electronic games positively, as they can enhance critical and strategic thinking. 

“Parents and educators should play a facilitating and balancing role, guiding young people to master e-Sports skills without neglecting their responsibilities for education, health care, as well as fulfilling religious obligations. 

“It is highly appropriate that the suggestions voiced by the youth representatives receive due attention, and the mosque takes proactive measures to organise competitions or training sessions. This prevents young individuals from wandering aimlessly in the realm of e-Sports without limits or guidance,” added the Ruler.


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