NEW DELHI, May 12 – China’s new Ambassador to India Xu Feihong arrived in New Delhi on Friday to assume office, vowing to promote sound and steady development of China-India relations.

Before his arrival in the country, Xu said in an interview that he would follow the important consensus reached between leaders of the two countries, deepen understanding and friendship between the two peoples, as well as improve and advance bilateral ties.

When it comes to the so-called strategic rivalry between the two neighbors, he said China and India are cooperation partners, not competitors. They are each other’s development opportunities, not threats.

Xu served as China’s ambassador to Romania from 2015 to 2018 and China’s ambassador to Afghanistan from 2011 to 2013.

Xu, as the 17th China’s envoy to India, was preceded by current Vice-Foreign Minister Sun Weidong.

Before Xu assumed office, the post had been vacant for 18 months — the longest amount of time that the post had been left vacant since China and India resumed the exchange of ambassadors in 1976.


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