BEIJING, June 25 – Chinese President Xi Jinping on Monday pledged China’s willingness to work with Poland to push bilateral relations to a higher level and inject more stability and certainty into a turbulent world.

Xi made the remarks while holding talks in Beijing with Polish President Andrzej Duda, who is on a state visit to China.

Noting Poland was one of the first countries to recognize the People’s Republic of China, Xi said bilateral relations have maintained steady progress since the two countries forged diplomatic ties 75 years ago.

Since China and Poland decided to upgrade their ties to a comprehensive strategic partnership eight years ago, exchanges and cooperation between the two countries in various fields have expanded and deepened in an all-round way, benefiting the two peoples, he added.

China welcomes more high-quality agricultural and food products from Poland into the Chinese market, supports the expansion of two-way investment, and hopes Poland will provide a fair, just, and non-discriminatory business environment for Chinese enterprises, Xi said.

China has decided to adopt a 15-day unilateral visa-free policy for Polish citizens, Xi said, adding that both sides should vigorously promote exchanges in culture, youth, academia and media.

Duda said President Xi’s state visit to Poland in 2016 was an important milestone in the development of the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries.

The Belt and Road Initiative proposed by President Xi represents huge development opportunities for Poland, and the Belt and Road cooperation has strongly propelled Poland’s infrastructure construction and economic development, he said.

Poland greatly appreciates the principles China adheres to in international affairs and its contributions to world peace and development, Duda said, stressing that Poland firmly adheres to the one-China principle.

Duda said Poland is willing to maintain close multilateral communication and coordination with China to further develop their comprehensive strategic partnership and contribute to world peace and stability.

Noting that Poland will assume the rotating presidency of the EU in the first half of next year, Duda said Poland is willing to play a constructive role in promoting EU-China relations and advancing cooperation between Central and Eastern European countries and China.


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