ISTANBUL, July 12 – Authorities in Australia are investigating the deaths of at least 65 kangaroos, discovered either shot or apparently hit by vehicles, prompting a search for those responsible.

The incident occurred across approximately 190 hectares of private paddocks along Tait Hamilton Road near Gobarup, northeast of Bendigo, about 120 kilometres north of Melbourne in Victoria state.

A local wildlife shelter operator discovered the bodies of the eastern grey kangaroos on June 22 and promptly alerted the state’s Conservation Regulator, Anadolu Agency (AA) reported, according to ABC News.

“Three kangaroos were found alive but had to be euthanised due to the severity of their injuries,” the report stated.

Authorities also recovered used shotgun cartridges at the scene.

Victoria state laws prohibit hunting, taking, destroying, injuring, or interfering with wildlife, carrying penalties of up to six months’ imprisonment and fines.

Australia’s kangaroo population numbers more than 30 million.


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