VIENTIANE, July 24 – Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan will lead Malaysia’s delegation to the 57th ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting (57th AMM) and Related Meetings in Vientiane, Laos, from July 24 to 27.

Mohamad arrived at the Wattay International Airport, Vientiane, at 8.40 pm local time on Tuesday, accompanied by his wife Datin Seri Raja Salbiah Tengku Nujumudin. Upon arrival, he was greeted by Malaysian Ambassador to Laos Edi Irwan Mahmud and Chief of Cabinet of Ministry of Foreign Affairs Laos, Phongsavanh Sisoulath.

Edi Irwan said highlight of the 57th AMM will include discussions on progress of ASEAN Community building, ASEAN 2024 Priorities and Key Deliverables, follow-up to the ASEAN Leaders’ Review and Decision on the Implementation of the Five-Point Consensus, the grouping’s external relations, as well as current regional and international issues of common interest.

“The Foreign Ministers will also discuss preparations for the 44th and 45th ASEAN Summits and Related Summits, which are scheduled to be held in October 2024 in Laos,” he told Malaysian media here, on Tuesday.

Edi Irwan stated Mohamad will also attend the 57th AMM for Plenary and Retreat Session to be held on July 25 at the National Convention Centre (NCC).

Apart from the AMM, the Foreign Minister will attend the 25th ASEAN Plus Three Foreign Ministers’ Meeting (APT FMM), 14th East Asia Summit Foreign Ministers’ Meeting (EAS FMM) and the 31st ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF).

He will also be participating in the Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone (SEANWFZ) Commission meeting, ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Interface Meeting with ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) Representatives and ASEAN Post Ministerial Conferences with the Dialogue Partners, namely, Australia, China, Canada, European Union, India, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea, Russia, United Kingdom, and United States.

Malaysia is the country coordinator for ASEAN-Canada dialogue relations for 2021-2024. In this regard, Mohamad and the Foreign Minister of Canada will co-chair the ASEAN Post Ministerial Conference with Canada on July 26, 2024.


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