KOTA KINABALU, Aug 19 (Bernama) — Eleven media representatives from Sabah departed for China Sunday night to visit Guangzhou and Guilin at the invitation of the Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in Kota Kinabalu.

The six-day trip, which concludes on Friday, will include visits to several locations, including the WeChat headquarters in Guangzhou, a popular messaging and social media platform in China, Malaysia and other countries.

The delegation will also visit iFLYTEK, a company renowned for its artificial intelligence (AI) technology, as well as Canton Tower, the Guangdong Provincial Museum, Elephant Trunk Hill, the Guilin Museum, and enjoy a boat cruise along the Li River.

Utusan Borneo Sabah editor-in-chief Datuk Lichong Angkui said the visit allows Sabah’s media representatives to explore the advantages and potential of these two cities as new economic magnets in modern China.

“It is also an opportunity to understand China’s modernisation process over the last decade and its future planning in the context of bilateral relations with Malaysia, particularly Sabah,” he told Bernama.

Lichong said China has been one of Sabah’s key trading partners in recent years, with a long-standing historical relationship that is now being strengthened through rapidly growing government-to-government ties.

“I hope this visit will empower Sabah’s media to play a proactive role in strengthening economic and trade relations between Sabah and China.

“The visit to iFLYTEK and WeChat are significant in today’s digital world. Sabah’s media can gain valuable insights into these technologies to develop smart journalism in the virtual realm,” Lichong said.


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