PUTRAJAYA, Aug 31 – Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has described the mishandling of the Batu Puteh issue as a form of betrayal to the nation.

He said despite the government’s acceptance of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruling, no nation would willingly cede territory without a fight, often going to great lengths to defend even a small area.

“.. and that is why the MADANI government has decided to establish a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) to uncover the truth. It is crucial to understand why Malaysia, a proud and distinguished nation, easily allowed such a great lapse, failing to use all available legal avenues to safeguard our rights. 

“If anyone considers this a minor issue, they have a problem with their attitude as a Malaysian as this has never happened in global history,” he said during the National Day 2024 address on Friday. 

On May 23, 2008, the ICJ ruled that Singapore had sovereignty over Batu Puteh, while Middle Rocks, situated less than one kilometre from the island, belongs to Malaysia.

The ICJ also ruled that ownership rights over South Ledge, approximately 4 km from Batu Puteh, would be determined based on the maritime boundaries of the state in control.

Anwar said the debate in Parliament regarding Batu Puteh will serve as a lesson and a reminder to future generations not to sacrifice national interests.


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