JAKARTA, Sept 1 – The Malaysian Embassy in Jakarta hosted a lively 67th National Day celebration on Saturday, with over 300 guests, including officials, embassy staff, Malaysia’s Permanent Representative to ASEAN, expatriates, and students.

The event began around 8 am local time with a flag-raising ceremony conducted by two Army personnel, followed by the national anthem ‘Negaraku’ and a prayer led by First Secretary (Religious Affairs) Mohd Shamsuri Ghazali.

In his speech, Ambassador Datuk Syed Md Hasrin Tengku Hussin highlighted the importance of independence and peace, urging attendees to honour the sacrifices of Malaysia’s patriots, particularly those who lost their lives defending the country’s sovereignty.

Malaysia’s Permanent Representative to ASEAN, Datin Sarah Al Bakri Devadason, also attended the event, which featured a reception with traditional Malaysian dishes like spiced chicken nasi lemak, as well as cakes and teh tarik.

Entertainment included a performance of the song and dance ‘Saya Anak Malaysia‘ by the children of embassy staff and a recitation of the poem ‘Erti Kemerdekaan‘, which reflected on Malaysia’s path to independence and future direction.

President of the Malaysian Students Association in Indonesia (PKPMI: Persatuan Kebangsaan Pelajar Malaysia di Indonesia), Abdullah Ali Albaqir, expressed his gratitude: “I’m thrilled to celebrate Independence Day with friends and the diaspora here.


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