NEW DELHI, Sept 5 – Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday called for respecting the international maritime treaty – the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) – on his visit to Brunei.

In a reference to the territorial issues in the South China Sea region, Modi – in his remarks at the banquet hosted by Sultan of Brunei Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah – said “a code of conduct” is needed.

“Brunei is an important partner in India’s Act East Policy and Indo-Pacific Vision. India has always given priority to ASEAN centrality and will continue to do so. We support freedom of navigation and overflight under international laws like UNCLOS,” he said.

“We agree that a code of conduct should be finalised in this region. We support the policy of development and not expansionism,” said Modi.

An India-Brunei joint statement highlighted the peaceful resolution of disputes and adherence to international law.

“Both leaders reiterated their commitment to maintaining and promoting peace, stability, maritime safety and security, as well as respecting freedom of navigation and overflight and unimpeded lawful commerce, consistent with international law, notably the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) 1982,” it said.


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