KUANTAN, Sept 8 – A total of 15 children, aged between two and 11, and a 27-year-old woman, who experienced symptoms of stomach pain, vomiting, diarrhoea, and fever after visiting the Che Minah Sayang Recreational Park in Maran on Thursday, were found to be infected with Rotavirus.

Pahang Health Department (JKN) director Datuk Dr Rusdi Abd Rahman said on Thursday, the Maran Health Office (PKD) received a notification regarding a surge of the acute gastroenteritis (AGE) cases among children who exhibited the symptoms after visiting the recreational park.

“Laboratory test results revealed that the cause of this outbreak is a Rotavirus infection, while the results for leptospirosis were negative.

“All the affected children are in stable condition and are receiving treatment at Jengka Hospital, while the woman, who is the mother of one of the children, was treated as an outpatient,” he said in a statement today.

Dr Rusdi explained that the Rotavirus cases were likely caused by river water contaminated with waste from used disposable baby diapers.

He advised the management of Che Minah Sayang Recreational Park to conduct a thorough clean-up of the park’s surroundings.


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