ST. PETERSBURG, Sept 13 – Russian President Vladimir Putin met with Chinese top diplomat Wang Yi on Thursday in St. Petersburg.

Putin asked Wang to convey his sincere greetings and best wishes to President Xi Jinping, expressing his eagerness for China’s participation in the BRICS leaders’ summit to be held next month in Russia’s Kazan.

Putin said Russia appreciates China’s support for Russia’s role as the rotating chair of BRICS, noting that this BRICS meeting of high-ranking security officials and advisors has achieved positive results and the BRICS successfully held a dialogue with Global South countries.

Wang conveyed President Xi’s warm greetings to President Putin, stating that the mutual trust between China and Russia is solid and their friendship is deep. Under the strategic guidance of the two heads of state, the China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for the new era is developing healthily and steadily.

The two sides also exchanged views on the Ukraine issue. Putin praised the “Six-Point Consensus” jointly issued by China and Brazil, reiterating that Russia has always maintained an open attitude toward peace talks.


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