JERANTUT,  Sept 14 – PAS is expected to make several amendments to its constitution at its ongoing 70th Muktamar (Annual Assembly), which may include allowing non-Muslims to join the Islamic party as associate members.

The party’s Mursyidul Am (spiritual leader) Datuk Hashim Jasin said the proposed amendments would be tabled at the assembly tomorrow to be debated and passed.

“The constitutional amendment involves several points…because non-Muslims have been asking to join the party as regular members, but the party only accepts Muslims as members. That’s why we have the DHPP (the PAS Non-Muslim Supporters Congress)…this is what we want to amend (to allow the non-Muslims to be associate members).”

Hashim said this at a press conference after opening the PAS Dewan Ulama Assembly Kompleks Imam Syafie’ Kampung Temin.


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