YANGON, Sept 15 – Severe flooding in Myanmar has resulted in 74 deaths and 89 people missing as of the evening of September 13, state media reported on Sunday.

The floods, caused by heavy rains, have affected 462 villages and wards across 64 townships in Nay Pyi Taw, Bago, Mandalay and Ayeyawady regions, as well as Mon, Kayin and Shan states, according to the report.

The disaster has destroyed 24 bridges, 375 schools, a monastery, five dams, four pagodas, 14 transformers, 456 lamp-posts, and 65,759 houses in the flood-stricken areas, it added.

In response to the disaster, temporary relief camps have been set up to provide necessary healthcare services, food, and drinking water in Nay Pyi Taw and various states and regions, it said.

Authorities and rescue workers are continuing search and rescue operations, it added


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