NEW YORK, Sept 29 – Malaysia has urged for the reinstatement of the United Nations Special Committee Against Apartheid and reiterated the need for renewed global efforts to combat injustice. 

Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan, during his address presenting the national statement at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) General Debate on Saturday, said that the international community must act swiftly to address ongoing violations.

He further called on the UN Security Council to invoke its Chapter 7 powers to impose an immediate arms embargo on Israel, underscoring the urgency of halting the violence and ensuring accountability for breaches of international law.

“Israel’s actions, with each passing day, raise our doubts as to whether it believes in the UN system, or values its membership in this organisation.

“Its illegal occupation has entrenched a system of apartheid and discrimination against Palestinians. The Israeli regime has itself declared its intent to wipe out an entire population. This is, without question, a genocide.

“The UN must not remain idle. We must urgently utilise the existing processes founded by this General Assembly, along with mechanisms developed by the Human Rights Council. Malaysia calls on the international community to reinstitute the United Nations Special Committee Against Apartheid.

Mohamad also demanded the UN Security Council invoke Chapter 7 powers to impose an immediate arms embargo on Israel.

The Foreign Minister also stressed that the veto power within the Security Council must be reformed, particularly in cases of human rights abuses. 

“The veto should not be exercised at will. There must be exceptions in cases of crimes against humanity and attacks on civilian infrastructure.

“We must limit, or abolish the veto altogether,” he said, and further urged the General Assembly to take action where the Security Council has failed. 

Mohamad noted that Malaysia, a long-time supporter of Palestine, welcomed the progress made this year with 143 member states extending the UN’s principle of equality to Palestine. 

“It fills us with hope to see the State of Palestine seated among us today. We urge the remaining minority to join the majority,” he stated.

Calling for a diplomatic solution, Mohamad reiterated Malaysia’s support for Palestinian statehood. 

“Israel has violated every international law there is, including the Genocide Convention, Geneva Conventions and core Human Rights Treaties.

“It is time to realise Palestine’s right to statehood and full membership in this Assembly. Dialogue and diplomacy are the only paths to a lasting solution – not collective punishment, man-made famine or impunity,” he added.

He also referenced Israel’s recent disrespect toward the UN by saying, “Just months ago, we witnessed Israel’s mockery of this body, shredding the UN Charter in this very hall.”

“Although the powerful few may behave as though might is right, the voice of the majority will not go ignored,” he said.

This year’s theme for the General Debate is “Leaving No One Behind: Acting Together for the Advancement of Peace, Sustainable Development and Human Dignity for Present and Future Generations”.


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