MOSCOW, Oct 13 – During the presidency of Joe Biden, gas will replace microchips in the top 5 main earners in the United States (US) exports, and oil has appeared in the top 5 main imports, despite the fact that the US itself is a major supplier of it to the world market, Sputnik calculated after studying data from the US statistical service.

Thus, the main US export goods for the first eight months of this year were oil with sales worth US$82.8 billion and civilian aircraft and their parts worth US$81.1 billion. However, according to Sputnik’s calculations, the rate of sales growth will allow aircraft and parts to overtake “black gold” by the end of this year.

The top five will also include petroleum products (US$121 billion), passenger cars (US$60.7 billion) and gas (US$60 billion).

After Donald Trump’s presidency, civil aircraft were also in the lead (US$72 billion), petroleum products were in second place (US$57.8 billion), followed by oil (US$49.8 billion), electronic integrated circuits or microchips (US$46.4 billion), displaced from the top five by gas in 2024, and passenger cars (US$46.3 billion).

In imports for January-August, the main goods were passenger cars and oil, as well as tablets and laptops. According to the agency’s calculations, these goods will retain their leadership by the end of 2024. US purchases of passenger cars will reach US$226.6 billion, oil imports will be worth US$178.4 billion, and tablets and laptops US$137.1 billion. The top 5 will also include vaccines and serums (US$112.6 billion) and smartphones (US$111.4 billion).

The US began actively purchasing oil abroad under Biden, despite the fact that the country is the world’s largest oil producer. Under Trump, the US imported cars, tablets and laptops, smartphones, vaccines and special equipment, which dropped out of the top five in 2024.

In total, by the end of the current year, the US will export goods worth US$2.08 trillion, of which civilian aircraft and oil will account for 6.2 per cent each, petroleum products (5.8 per cent), passenger cars and gas (2.9 per cent). US imports will amount to US$3.22 trillion, of which 7 per cent will be cars, 5.5 per cent — oil, 4.3 per cent — tablets and laptops, 3.5 per cent each — vaccines and smartphones.


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