KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 11 — The Local Government Development Ministry (KPKT) should become a centre of excellence, in line with its capacity of a pioneer in executing government programmes and initiatives along with public service.

Its minister Nga Kor Ming said the many initiatives conducted by the ministry and its agencies are proactive and leads other parties in various aspects.

“The implementaiton of MyMudah, Bitara MADANI, Enterprise Architecture (EA), Ease of Doing Business via OSC 3.0, all these show that our organisation is always proactive, productive and leading in various aspects,” he said during his speech at the KPKT Minister’s Excellence Awards (AKM) ceremony here tonight, in the presence of Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Fadillah Yusof, who was representing Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Dewan Rakyat Speaker Tan Sri Johari Abdul and Deputy Local Government Development Minister Akmal Nasrullah Mohd Nasir.

Nga touted the achievements won by the ministry and its agencies, pointing out that they won 10 main awards at the national and international level, something he hoped would continue on.

“Im convinced that if we continue this drive for excellence, we will move together as a team quicker and more efficiently. I urge all ministry staff and local authorities to aim for greater heights next year,” he added.

Nga also said that the excellence awards were held to boost the motivation levels of ministry staff so that they would excel in their tasks, leadership, innovation and social responsibilities to ensure the prosperity of the people.

There are 12 categories of awards, eight individual categories and four team categories. Winners are rewarded with cash prizes of up to RM20,000 (depending on category), appreciation certificates, trophies and short-term courses at renowned universities abroad for selected categories.


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