SEOUL, May 26 – Chinese Premier Li Qiang on Sunday called on South Korea to work with the Chinese side to grasp the general direction of friendship and mutual trust between the two countries, and respect each other’s core interests and major concerns.

It is hoped that the two sides can be each other’s friendly neighbour of mutual trust and partner of mutual achievement, and promote a sound, steady and substantial development of China-South Korea relations, Li said when meeting with South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol in Seoul.

Industrial and supply chains of China and South Korea are deeply intertwined, and the two sides should seize more development opportunities together, he said.

The two sides should also oppose turning economic and trade issues into political or security issues, and maintain stable and smooth industrial and supply chains of the two countries and the world, he added.

Yoon said South Korea adheres to the one-China principle and this position remains unchanged.

Both sides agreed to accelerate the second phase of Free Trade Agreement negotiations between the two countries.

Li arrived in Seoul on Sunday to attend the ninth trilateral summit meeting of China, Japan and South Korea.


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