KUALA LUMPUR, July 22 – Trainees of the Advanced Training Phase of the National Service Training Programme (PLKN) 3.0 will use training modules specially developed for members of reserve and volunteer forces.

Defence Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin said the Advanced Training Phase is open to those aged 17 to 35 years where the training is intensive, in the field and practical.

He said the volunteer bodies and reservists who will participate in the training phase include from the auxiliary police group, auxiliary fire brigade, Civil Defence Forces (APM), Malaysia Volunteers Corps Department (Rela), Rukun Tetangga and so on.

“So for this advanced phase, we will make sure that those who participated in PLKN training modules either from the national aspect or from the military aspect so that these people benefit from the PLKN modules that we are developing,“ he told Dewan Rakyat on Monday.

PLKN 3.0 will be implemented in phases starting from June or July 2025 under a new concept and format, will involve three phases starting with the Pre PLKN Phase which will be introduced at the school level in preparation for them to undergo national service training after turning 17 years old.

Khaled said the programme will involve students in Form 4 only and will be implemented during co-curricular activities. 


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