PUTRAJAYA, Sept 16 – In commemorating this year’s Maulidur Rasul celebration, Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi urged the ummah to address differences of opinion in society and organisations with the utmost respect and etiquette.

He said that society, particularly its leaders, should emulate the noble character of Prophet Muhammad, especially as the world viewed Malaysia as an example.

“Therefore, the best way is how we convey the message, the way preachers deliver teachings must be based on good morals.

“If there are differences of opinion among us, our position within the community or organisation must be managed with the best etiquette, and the approach to handling differences should be based on ‘tasawwuf’ (good conduct),” he said during his speech at the Malam Cinta Rasul event.

Ahmad Zahid also called upon the nation’s ummah to strengthen unity and set aside minor differences while celebrating Maulidur Rasul.

“We can still send salutations (to the Prophet) here, but our brothers and sisters in Palestine are bombarded with bullets and bombs. Therefore, let us as the Malaysian ummah provide full support to them by donating whatever we can,” he said.


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