KUALA TERENGGANU, Sept 16 – The presence of whales in Malaysian waters is an important indicator that Malaysia’s marine ecosystem is healthy and able to support the megafauna. 

A research officer at the  Fisheries Research Institute,   Malaysian Department of Fisheries (DOF),  Muhammad Amirul Siddiq Abdul Rashid said the sighting of marine mammals, especially humpback whales, in the waters of Pulau Redang last Saturday, allowed them to document their migration patterns.

 “The presence of whales from this species is rare in Malaysia, unlike the Bryde’s whale. So, it provides an opportunity for researchers to document their migration in addition to providing supporting data about the biodiversity and habitats in the area.

“So far, it is not identified yet the factors for its appearance in Malaysia. However, based on the Humpback whale species around the world, there is a possibility that it migrates a little further than its usual distance from its original habitat in cold waters such as the Arctic Sea or the Antarctic Sea,” he told Bernama.

Amirul Siddiq said the whale faces several threats within Malaysia’s ocean environment, particularly the risk of becoming trapped in shallow waters.

If this occurs, the whale may be unable to return to deeper waters, ultimately facing the danger of drowning, he said.

“Plastic pollution and dangerous chemicals can also affect the health of whales and their food sources, while changes in water temperature due to global warming can affect the availability of food and migration patterns of whales.

“They also change important habitats such as areas where these species socialise,” he said.


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