BEIJING, Sept 21 – Chinese Premier Li Qiang urged the expansion of trade and deepening of infrastructure cooperation between China and Malaysia on Friday in a meeting with Malaysia’s King Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar, who is on a state visit to China, in Beijing.

Li noted that China and Malaysia have a solid foundation of mutual trust and deep-rooted friendship. He added that the two countries stand at the historical juncture of the 50th anniversary of their establishment of diplomatic relations, marching forward hand in hand toward the goal of building a China-Malaysia community with a shared future.

China is willing to work with Malaysia to implement the important consensus reached by the leaders of the two countries, maintain close and high-level exchanges, promote their traditional friendship, enhance strategic mutual trust, expand mutually beneficial cooperation, achieve more practical results, and bring more benefits to the people of both countries, Li said.

He urged the two sides to give full play to their complementary advantages, continue expanding bilateral trade, steadily advance flagship projects such as the East Coast Rail Link, and deepen cooperation on infrastructure and aerospace. 

China supports more competent Chinese enterprises to invest in Malaysia, Li noted, adding that the two sides should do more to boost cultural and people-to-people exchange in the fields of youth, education, culture and tourism, facilitate the exchange of personnel, and continuously enhance mutual understanding and friendship.


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