NEW YORK, Sept 28 – Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi met U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken in New York on Friday, urging the U.S. to “establish a rational understanding of China,” as it “can’t keep showing ‘two faces’ toward China”.

“The United States should not always approach China with two faces: On the one hand suppressing China brazenly, and on the other hand, having dialogue and cooperation with China as if nothing is wrong,” Wang said.

“Since the U.S. has repeatedly said that it has no intention of having a conflict with China, it should establish a rational perception of China from the root, build a correct way of getting along with China, conduct dialogue with a respectful attitude, promote cooperation based on mutual benefit, and handle differences with extreme caution, instead of acting from a ‘position of strength’ and using past mistakes as excuses to repeat them,” Wang said.

Wang met Blinken on the sidelines of the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly.

On the Taiwan question, Wang said that “if the United States truly hopes to see peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, it should abide by the one-China principle, implement the three China-U.S. Joint Communiqués, stop arming Taiwan, publicly oppose ‘Taiwan independence’, and support the peaceful reunification of China.”

On the U.S.-China trade and technology conflict, Wang said China “is firmly opposed to U.S. suppression in trade and technology,” and that China “will never accept finger-pointing by human rights preachers, still less interference in China’s internal affairs under the pretext of human rights.”


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